Its meee... |
Let me introduce myself to you. I am sparky. I am 40 days old now. Yesterday was the scheduled day for my first doze of vaccination. It really hurts. But I am happy because my master is happy. He was concerned about the after effects of vaccination. He was telling his wife yesterday that I might suffer from slight fever after the doze. But to his surprise nothing happened and I seemed pretty well. But the fact is, if I become dull, I know that he would call that vet again and he would give me another dose. Hmm… to avoid all these mess I had to be happy. Now, this is a letter which I wrote to my master.
Hi Ranju,
Since I get a lot of free time during the day, I thought of writing a letter. Well, Your wife is scared of me when I try to nibble her. Just tell her that it is my way of expressing love by licking and nibbling the legs and chewing the shoes. But I never hurt her. So please be friendly with me lady... Whenever I try going near her, she runs away from me. Why so? I like her so much. She gives me food (even though it’s the same boring pedigree and Cerelac). I could not eat pedigree as such, as it is a bit hard for my little teeth to chew. I like Cerelac better than pedigree. She understood this. So she started powdering the pedigree and now she mixes this powder with the Cerelac. I appreciate that. J
I really want to tell you something; she eats chicken, ice cream, cake and chocolates and tells me that all these are bad for puppies. Do you think she is fair? I don’t think so. So do you know what I do in return, I just go near and try to chase her. I am so excited to do this. But whatever said and done, I love her too.
But it is really boring when you go to office. I wait for you to come home. You are the only one who plays with me. I like all the games we play. You have promised to take me for long walks after my 2nd vaccination which is due in February. You said it is for Rabies. I am waiting for that day. At least after that, I can go out for walks.
Meee with my toys |
It seems your neighbor has a cat. You know, that guy used to peep in through the windows. Yesterday I saw him and barked at him. He got really scared. He rushed out and ran away with his tail lifted. That was so funny to see. I laughed a looot.
It’s sooo boring waiting for you. So I decided to take lengthy naps during the day time. Otherwise I don’t have any other way to spend time. Whenever I do something, your wife would come and tell me “no sparky, no”. She doesn’t allow me to chew your old shoes, carpets, mats, not even the old newspapers. Hmm... Every time “no sparky…no”. I am fed up. One day she was telling you to teach me discipline. But I liked your reply. You said, he is so young and he is here without his mom and litters. Let him grow little more and then we will start teaching him. You are really a sensible personJ. That’s why I like you soooo… much. Now I have a small question for your wife. Tell her to show at least one person, who does not have egos, who is trustworthy, and who doesn’t spread rumors, who is not greedy, jealous, and above all loyal to others. Or at least a person who will be there for you in his good and bad times, alike. I know this would be a big NO. Anyways I am like that. This is my word from heart. By the way, I liked the crate u have made for me. It is so comfortable. But please don’t expect me to stay there always. It’s too hot inside the crate. So I like to take nap on the floor. So, hope you get time to read this and understand me.
Looooooooots of love
Sparky J